Sunday 1 April 2012

sometimes you grow so quickly, other times, I wish I could make time go faster

Maverick, seriously.  Learn to walk!  You are 15 months old, and over 30lbs.  I can't carry you around all the time any more! I would also like you to learn a few more words, but that's just personal preference.  I am 99% sure you said Amelia today though.  I was so excited, and proud of you for that!

Sometimes Wyatt, I wish you could understand me better.  I know that some day you will, but I just fear that our clashing personalities will permanently damage our relationship.  I try to understand you as well, but again.  We are so alike.

Oh, Levi.  I don't even want to write this.  You do everything at your own pace, so why  bother trying to push you for anything?  I grieve for you going to school as much as I rejoice it. I know you will do so great, but at the same time, it will force you to age without your control.

Tomorrow I will wish you were still babies I imagine, but today I am looking at your futures, and excited for all you get to live and experience.

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